Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Strategist

I just uploaded this sim at the Sims 3 Exchange.

Not many pictures on this one mostly because I'm tired e_e. Anyway he's part of my vampire siblings which I will upload soon.. maybe...

Velvet Skin by LadyFrontbum
Clothes at the Store
Chin Stubble by Kitty Klan
Boots by Aikea Guinea
Clear Eyes by LemonLeaf
Gargoyle Wings by Snake Legs

I think that's about it! Phew glad I got that over with. Oh yes, the download button..
This one will take you to the exchange!


  1. i went to download this via the exchange and it gets half way thru and says error =( any suggestions? i have all the EP's/SP's so not sure why its giving me the error..

    1. The same thing is happening to me... I need help!!!

  2. Such a cool looking sim! Great work! :D

  3. @ Anonymous:
    I'm actually not sure, I'll put up a mirror and turn the file into a .sim file. Hopefully that'll work :)

    @ isla87 Thanks! :)
